IGI COVID-19 Initiative
In the early months of 2020, the global threat of COVID-19 united the scientific community. At the IGI, we created a pop-up coronavirus testing lab in our building on UC Berkeley campus over the course of three weeks. We tested patient samples from the UC Berkeley community, as well as first responders in the area, and vulnerable people without insurance or permanent housing. We developed new protocols for COVID testing, launched mobile testing for California farmworkers, and developed new rapid testing technology and clinical assays. Our scientists quickly formed rapid response research teams, working to better understand, detect, track, and treat the virus.
At the end of 2022, after processing over 650,000 tests, the IGI halted its COVID testing operations, but IGI investigators are still working on COVID-related research, and the IGI Clinical Laboratory is expanding its role in the institute as part of the Interventional Genomics Unit. Learn more and find resources below.
More COVID Resources
Read our Nature Biotechnology paper, Blueprint for a pop-up SARS-CoV-2 testing lab.
Watch UC Berkeley Professor and IGI Investigator Britt Glaunsinger’s molecular virology lecture, “Coronaviruses 101.”
Struggling through coronavirus literature? Try covidscholar.org, a COVID-19 research search portal.
View our whiteboard video overview describing CRISPR-based diagnostic tools, which we and others are developing for rapid SARS-CoV-2 detection.
Science@Cal has developed a great resource page with basic information about COVID-19.
Related Publications
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Association of upper respiratory Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization with SARS-CoV-2 infection among adults
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Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in saliva via Cas13
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An intranasal ASO therapeutic targeting SARS-CoV-2
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Genome-wide bidirectional CRISPR screens identify mucins as host factors modulating SARS-CoV-2 infection
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Health inequities in SARS-CoV-2 infection, seroprevalence, and COVID-19 vaccination: Results from the East Bay COVID-19 study
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Accelerated RNA detection using tandem CRISPR nucleases
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Reflections on conducting research from home during COVID-19
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Transmission, infectivity, and neutralization of a spike L452R SARS-CoV-2 variant
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Prevalence and Clinical Profile of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection among Farmworkers, California, USA, June–November 2020
Lewnard JA, Mora AM, Nkwocha O…Harris E, Cuevas M, Eskenazi B, and on behalf of the CHAMACOS-Project-19 Study Team. Emerging Infectious Diseases
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Pinals RL, Ledesma F, Yang D, Navarro N, Jeong S, Pak JE, Kuo L, Chuang Y, Cheng Y, Sun H, and Landry MP. Nano Letters
Piloting an integrated SARS-CoV-2 testing and data system for outbreak containment among college students: A prospective cohort study.
Packel L, Reingold A, Hunter L, Facente S, Li Y, Harte A, Nicolette G, Urnov FD, Lu M, Peterson M, and the IGI Testing Consortium. PLoS One
Genome sequencing of sewage detects regionally prevalent SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Crits-Christoph A, Kantor RS, Olm MR, Whitney ON, Al-Shayeb B, Lou YC, Flamholz A, Kennedy LC, Greenwald H, Hinkle A, Hetzel J, Spitzer S, Koble J, Tan A, Hyde F, Schroth G, Kuersten S, Banfield JF, and Nelson KL. American Society for Microbiology
Genetic screens identify host factors for SARS-CoV-2 and common cold coronaviruses.
Wang R, Simoneau CR, Kulsuptrakul J, Bouhaddou M, Travisano KA, Hayashi JM, Carlson-Stevermer J, Zengel JR, Richards CM, Fozouni P, Oki J, Rodriguez L, Joehnk B, Walcott K, Holden K, Sil A, Carette JE, Krogan NJ, Ott M, and Puschnik AS. Cell
Identifying vaccine hesitant communities on twitter and their geolocations: A network approach
Ruiz JB, Featherstone JD, and Barnett GA. ScholarSpace
Comparative host-coronavirus protein interaction networks reveal pan-viral disease mechanisms.
Gordon DE, Hiatt J, Bouhaddou M…Rosenberg OS, Verba KA, Basler CF, Vignuzzi M, Peden AA, Beltrao P, and Krogan NJ. Science
Exploring childhood anti-vaccine and pro-vaccine communities on twitter – a perspective from influential users.
Featherstone JD, Barnett GA, Ruiz JB, Zhuang Y, and Millam BJ. ScienceDirect
Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 serology assays reveals a range of test performance.
Whitman JD, Hiatt J, Mowery CT, Shy BR, Yu R, Yamamoto TN, Rathore U, Goldgof GM, Whitty C, Woo JM, Gallman AE, Miller TE, Levine AG, Nguyen DN, Bapat SP, Balcerek J, Bylsma SA, Lyons AM, Li S, Wong AW, Gillis-Buck EM, Steinhart ZB, Lee Y, Apathy R, Lipke MJ, Smith JA, Zheng T, Boothby IC, Isaza E, Chan J, Acenas II DD, Lee J, Macrae TA, Kyaw TS, Wu D, Ng DL, Gu W, York VA, Eskandarian HA, Callaway PC, Warrier L, Moreno ME, Levan J, Torres L, Farrington LA, Loudermilk RP, Koshal K, Zorn KC, Garcia-Beltran WF, Yang D, Astudillo MG, Bernstein BE, Gelfand JA, Ryan ET, Charles RC, Iafrate AJ, Lennerz JK, Miller S, Chiu CY, Stramer SL, Wilson MR, Manglik A, Ye CJ, Krogan NJ, Anderson MS, Cyster JG, Ernst JD, Wu AHB, Lynch KL, Bern C, Hsu PD, and Marson A. Nature Biotechnology
Genomic surveillance reveals multiple introductions of SARS-CoV-2 into Northern California.
Deng X, Gu W, Federman S, Plessis LD, Pybus OG, Faria NR, Wang C, Yu G, Bushnell B, Pan CY, Guevara H, Sotomayor-Gonzalez A, Zorn K, Gopez A, Servellita V, Hsu E, Miller S, Bedford T, Greninger AL, Roychoudhury P, Starita LM, Famulare M, Chu HY, Shendure J, Jerome KR, Anderson C, Gangavarapu K, Zeller M, Spencer E, Andersen KG, MacCannell D, Paden CR, Li Y, Zhang J, Tong S, Armstrong G, Morrow S, Willis M, Matyas BT, Mase S, Kasirye O, Park M, Masinde G, Chan C, Yu AT, Chai SJ, Villarino Elsa, Bonin B, Wadford DA, and Chiu CY. Science
The global phosphorylation landscape of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Bouhaddou M, Memon D, Meyer B, White KM, Rezelj VV, Marrero MC, Polacco BJ, Melnyk JE, Ulferts S, Kaake RM, Batra J, Richards AL, Stevenson E, Gordon DE, Rojc A, Obernier K, Fabius JM, Soucheray M, Miorin L, Moreno E, Koh C, Tran QD, Hardy A, Robinot R, Vallet T, Nilsson-Payant BE, Hernandez-Armenta C, Dunham A, Weigang S, Knerr J, Modak M, Quintero D, Zhou Y, Dugourd A, Valdeolivas A, Patil T, Li Q, Hüttenhain R, Cakir M, Muralidharan M, Kim M, Jang G, Tutuncuoglu B, Hiatt J, Guo JZ, Xu J, Bouhaddou S, Mathy CJP, Gaulton A, Manners EJ, Félix E, Shi Y, Goff M, Lim JK, McBride T, O’Neal MC, Cai Y, Chang JCJ, Broadhurst DJ, Klippsten S, De wit E, Leach AR, Kortemme T, Shoichet B, Ott M, Saez-Rodriguez J, tenOever BR, Mullins D, Fischer ER, Kochs G, Grosse R, García-Sastre A, Vignuzzi M, Johnson JR, Shokat KM, Swaney DL, Beltrao P, and Krogan NJ. Cell
Blueprint for a pop-up SARS-CoV-2 testing lab.
Amen AM, Barry KW, Boyle JM, Brook CE, Choo S, Cornmesser LT, Dilworth DJ, Doudna JA, Ehrenberg AJ, Fedrigo I, Friedline SE, Graham TGW, Green R, Hamilton JR, Hirsh A, Hochstrasser ML, Hockemeyer D, Krishnappa N, Lari A, Li H, Lin-Shiao E, Lu T, Lyons EF, Mark KG, Martell LA, Martins ARO, McDevitt SL, Mitchell PS, Moehle EA, Naca C, Nandakumar D, O’Brien E, Pappas DJ, Pestal K, Quach DL, Rubin BE, Sachdeva R, Stahl EC, Syed AM, Tan I, Tsuchida CA, Tollner A, Tsui CK, Turkalo TK, Urnov FD, Warf MB, Whitney ON, and Witkowsky LB. Nature Biotechnology
Building a COVID-19 pop-up testing lab.
Hamilton J. The CRISPR Journal
Selected Media Coverage
- Why researchers hope to test high-risk groups in California — The New York Times
- Coronavirus is spreading under the radar in US homeless shelters — Nature News
- How a CRISPR Lab became a Pop-Up COVID testing center — WIRED
- Ivory Power: How genetic scientists at Berkeley raced to the labs and created a high-speed test for the coronavirus — Air Mail
TV News:
- How CRISPR Can Be Used to Fight COVID-19 — Amanpour & Company
- Our New Reality: A Diane Sawyer Special — ABC News
- No nasal swab? UC Berkeley tries COVID spit test — Reuters
- East Bay pop-up laboratory to improve speed of COVID-19 test results — ABC7
We want to deeply thank our supporters for their generosity.
Lead Philanthropic Partners
The Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation
Rachel and Rick Klausner
Major Supporters
Supply Donors
Gracious Life Foundation (GLF)
Marvell NanoLab
Dillin Lab
Karpen Lab
Naars Lab
Niyogi Lab
Herr Lab
Individual Contributors
Amy Tollner
Jim Modiano
James Roberts
Risa Salat Kolm
Meal Sponsors
Denise Simard/REMEDY
Dan Nomura
Dillin Lab
Mike Botchan
Jennifer Doudna
N. Louise Glass
Susan Marqusee
Jasper Rine
John Dueber
Adam Arkin
Eva Nogales
Kevin Powers
Jeanne Powers
Michael Lassner
Trent Northen
Elizabeth Stahl
Edward Rivera
Katherine Mitchell
Eunyoung Seo