CRISPRpedia is IGI’s free online textbook that covers CRISPR from its role in bacterial immunity to development into a tool for genome editing, to the breadth of applications in basic research, medicine, and agriculture.
Learn CRISPR, without the jargon.
Written by Ph.D. scientists and edited by Jennifer Doudna and other CRISPR experts at the Innovative Genomics Institute, CRISPRpedia is your home for clear, reliable, and current CRISPR info. This resource can be used for learning and teaching by anyone from advanced high school students to principal investigators, and is an ideal companion for molecular biology classes. The 80+ original illustrations are downloadable as editable vector graphics and free to use for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons license.
For a more basic version of the same content areas, check out CRISPR Made Simple.
CRISPR systems evolved to defend bacteria against bacterial viruses called phages. Learn how phages infect bacteria and how those bacteria use CRISPR and other defenses to fight back.
Scientists have taken natural CRISPR proteins and reimagined them as tools for manipulating the genome in other organisms. This page describes a variety of CRISPR-based tools, how they work, and how they can be used for research.
CRISPR tools can alter disease-causing genes and treat a variety of disorders. CRISPR tools can treat diseases in many other ways as well: in this section, we dive into the many ways doctors and researchers can use CRISPR tools to improve human health.
CRISPR tools will have major impacts on farming. In this section, we discuss how CRISPR tools make it easier to breed plants and animals with useful traits. We also discuss how genome-edited plants and animals differ from genetically-modified plants and animals of the past.
The ability to edit the genomes of pants and animals raises ethical questions — some old, some brand new. How do we decide what is a good use of a transformative technology? Who makes the decision? How do we ensure safety and equitable access?
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How to Cite CRISPRpedia
Hochstrasser, M.L., Henderson, H.R., Ford, T.J., Tolpa, T., Doxzen, K.W., Cheung, B., Ramit, G., Murdock, A.G., Kliegman, M., WIlson, R.C., Urnov, F.D., Ronald, P.C., & Doudna, J.A. (Eds.) (2022) CRISPRpedia. Berkeley: Innovative Genomics Institute, University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved from: (Last updated: September 12, 2022.)