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IGI Seminar Series: Empowering Teachers, Transforming Classrooms: Advancing K-12 STEM Education

IGI Seminar Series: Writing DNA with RNA: Genome Engineering by Target-Primed Reverse Transcription

IGI Seminar Series: Synthetic biology for people and planet health

IGI Seminar Series: Functional characterization and therapeutic targeting of gene regulatory elements

IGI Seminar Series: Integration of the Black Soldier Fly into the Bio-economy: Foundational Impacts on Human Health

IGI Seminar Series: Systems Ecology of the human microbiome highlights functional disruptions in disease

Societal Engagement with Science: the UK Citizen Jury on Human Embryo Genome Editing
April 15, 2024 Public Lectures and Discussions

IGI Seminar Series: Gut microbial adaptations to diverse selection pressures in Crohn’s Disease

IGI Seminar Series: Bridging AI and biology for genome design

IGI Seminar Series: Ribosome-targeting antibiotics overcoming antimicrobial resistance

Women in Enterprising Science 2024 Open House
February 29, 2024 Miscellaneous
IGI Special Seminar: Using AI to accelerate scientific discovery

IGI Special Seminar: Systems and synthetic biology: constructing smart and programmable microbes to address global problems

Towards precise editing of the microbiome within the gastrointestinal tract

IGI Seminar Series: One or two membranes? Illuminating the evolution of the cell envelope across the Tree of Bacteria

IGI Seminar Series: Microbial Future Proofing: How Infant Microbiomes Shape Childhood Allergy and Asthma

IGI Seminar Series: Cell Type Evolution in the Primate Brain

IGI Seminar Series: Metagenomic Techniques and Microbial Ecology