Plant Genomics & Transformation Facility

Plant Genomics & Transformation Facility

About the PGTF

The PGTF is directed by Myeong-Je Cho and located in UC Berkeley’s Innovative Genomics Institute Building. PGTF staff have established efficient transformation and genome editing protocols for an array of major crop species. The facility collaborates with members of the IGI, industry partners, and the local research community.

The PGTF continues to:

  1. Establish and develop enabling technologies for CRISPR-Cas9 applications in target crop species
  2. Genome-edit major crop species
  3. Collaborate with other principal investigators and researchers
  4. Perform research on seed quality improvement via genome editing

PGTF Crop Plants

The PGTF has genome editing and genetic transformation capabilities in over 30 major crop plants and is continually building our repertoire. Please contact the PGTF if you have any questions about our capabilities.

Crops currently involved in PGTF projectsAdditional crops within PGTF capabilities
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)Sugarcane
Nicotiana benthamianaTriticale
Pepper (Capsicum)Barley
CornTurf/forage grass
WheatAnd more…


Myeong-Je Cho
Headshot of George Austin
Viet Cao
Headshot of Ethan Jamie Gardner

Victoria Hong

Undergraduate Research Assistant

default meeple headshot

JiHwan Kim

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Naio Koehler IGI
Headshot of Buiry Min

Buiry Min

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Headshot of Abbey Stevens
Headshot of Geoffrey Daniel Vrla

Geoffrey Daniel Vrla, Ph.D.


Selected Publications

See the full list of Myeong-Je Cho’s publications.

Careers & Contact

To learn about open positions at the IGI and PGTF, see our Careers page.

For any inquiries about the PGTF’s ongoing work or potential partnerships, please contact Myeong-Je Cho at