IGI Announces New Entrepreneurial Fellows Program
The Innovative Genomics Initiative (IGI) is currently soliciting applications for its new Entrepreneurial Fellows Program at UC Berkeley. Designed to catalyze the translation and commercialization of innovative research discoveries for practical benefit, this new program builds strong support networks in which accomplished, entrepreneurial-minded researchers are enabled to make substantial contributions to the biotech economy, and ultimately introduce breakthrough discoveries to the market.
In support of innovative research that holds commercial promise, the IGI Entrepreneurial Fellows Program will provide research support (up to $250K/year for a maximum of two years) to a promising entrepreneurial researcher to pursue an exciting new project in the field of genomic engineering, and to help translate their discoveries into practical solutions that contribute directly to the biotechnology investment space.
- Apply Online — September 1 through October 31, 2016
- Application Deadline — October 31, 2016
- Application Review — November 2016
- Award Recipient Announced — December 2016
- Award Initiative Date — December 2016 – June 2017
Contact: IGI Program Director, Marsha Fenner (mwfenner@berkeley.edu)