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Debate: Don’t Bring Extinct Creatures Back to Life

“De-extinction” refers to recreating an organism that is a part of an extinct species. Proponents argue that bringing back extinct organisms and recreating their ecosystems could help curb climate change. Others argue that research funds should be spent on protecting endangered species, and that de-extinction might not even be possible.

In this Intelligence Squared US debate, experts—including George Church, who is spearheading efforts to bring back the woolly mammoth—make their case for or against the motion “Don’t Bring Extinct Creatures Back to Life,” and audience members vote before and after the debate. 

Which side wins? Watch or listen to find out!


Click below to watch the full, unedited 1.5-hour debate, or download a 54-minute edited audio version wherever you get podcasts. The transcript and information about who won the debate are available here


Don’t Bring Extinct Creatures Back to Life

Intelligence Squared US | January 31, 2019