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CRISPR: A Molecular Arms Race – Joe Bondy-Denomy’s TEDx Talk

At TEDx in Bakersfield, IGI Investigator Joseph Bondy-Denomy explained the role of CRISPR in bacterial immunology, described how viral anti-CRISPRs can block Cas proteins, and how CRISPR-Cas technology is used for genome editing.

Click below to watch:

What is CRISPR?

TEDxBakersfield | October 17, 2017

Joseph Bondy-Denomy is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of California, San Francisco. The Bondy-Denomy Lab studies the function of CRISPR-Cas bacterial immune systems. With the IGI, Bondy-Denomy is working on a project to use CRISPR-Cas3 to generate large DNA deletions.