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Vic Myer Seminar: Advancing Genome Editing Therapeutics

Event Details

January 31, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm PST

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Innovative Genomics Institute Building, Room 115

The tremendous impact of CRISPR as a genome-editing tool on the research community has created hope and opportunity for the development of truly durable therapies. Several such approaches will soon yield clinical data suggesting 2020 and 2021 will be important years for understanding how (and if) these therapies will achieve early success. While many key issues have been addressed, many challenges (and coincident opportunities) still exist. These will be discussed on the backdrop of developing in vivo and ex vivo therapies in an industrial setting.


Advancing Genome Editing Therapeutics:
Challenges and Opportunities

Headshot of Vic Myer

Dr. Vic Myer