
Vence Bonham Seminar: Searching for a Cure – Sickle Cell Disease Gene Editing

Event Details

February 18, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST

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Innovative Genomics Institute Building, Room 115

In the context of research for a cure for sickle cell disease, Vence L. Bonham, J.D., will examine three overarching principles, which the National Academies of Sciences have recommended should undergird the oversight systems, research, and clinical uses of human genome editing. He will discuss the principles of respect for persons, fairness and transnational cooperation as the field of genome editing continues to advance in 2020.


Searching for a Cure:
Sickle Cell Disease Gene Editing

Headshot of Vence Bonham

Vence Bonham, J.D.

Associate Investigator, Division of Intramural Research’s Social and Behavioral Research Branch

Senior Advisor to the NHGRI Director on Genomics and Health Disparities

National Human Genome Research Institute