Illustration of DNA over a dark blue background

IGI Seminar Series: Probing Principles of Gene Regulation and DNA Repair

Event Details

April 12, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT

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Join us for this week’s Seminar Series led by Bas van Steensel, Research Group Leader at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Understanding the complexity of genome regulation requires approaches to systematically deconstruct regulatory elements and their interplay. In this seminar, van Steensel will discuss his lab’s genomics strategies to probe how these elements are controlled by the local chromatin environment, and to understand how enhancers and promoters work together. In addition, he will present new insights into the interplay between local chromatin context and DNA double-strand break repair. Read more about the van Steensel lab’s research here.

Join us for the live event on Zoom. All participants and hosts are required to sign into a Zoom account prior to joining meetings.


Headshot of Bas van SteenselBas van Steensel — Bas van Steensel obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Amsterdam in 1995. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Titia de Lange (Rockefeller University) and subsequently with Steven Henikoff (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center). Since 2001 he leads a research group at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. His lab develops and applies new genomics technologies to study the structure and composition of chromatin and chromosomes, the mechanisms of gene regulation, and the impact of chromatin on DNA repair.