Illustration of DNA over a dark blue background

IGI Seminar Series: Polypeptides as Functional Nanomaterials Toward Achieving Plant Organelle Genome Engineering

Event Details

September 28, 2021 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm PDT

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Join us to learn about versatile tools in biotechnology, including peptides and polypeptides in the gene/protein delivery area. This seminar, led by Professor Keiji Numata in the Department of Material Chemistry at Kyoto University, will cover his lab’s research on bioengineered polypeptides as functional nanomaterials, which can be used for gene delivery, membrane translocation, and targeted delivery to essential organelles in living plants. This advance in plant biotechnology not only provides a stable transformation method but will also facilitate organelle genome editing to maximize biomass production via plant breeding. Read more about his research here.

Join us for the live event on Zoom. All participants and hosts are required to sign into a Zoom account prior to joining meetings.


Keiji NumataKeiji Numata —Keiji Numata is a Professor in the Department of Material Chemistry at Kyoto University. His lab aims to search for, create, and develop new functional enzymes (polymerase and protease) as well as new microorganisms (phototrophic bacteria) to contain developed enzymes based on the relationship between structures and functions of biopolymer synthases. They also seek to design and develop novel functional enzymes to produce biopolymers such as poly (hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) and polyamide/polypeptide, which can be used as structural materials.