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Michael McManus Seminar: Illuminating the Dark Genome

Event Details

September 10, 2019 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT

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Innovative Genomics Institute Building (2151 Berkeley Way)

Although the genome has been sequenced, there remains a lot of mystery about its content and how genes work together in a living organism to achieve health and disease states. Dr. McManus will discuss his latest efforts to dissect genes and pathways using unique technologies. Their group has developed several novel methods to illuminate genes and mechanisms relating to drug resistance. Dr. McManus will discuss approaches for dissecting the rich complexity of gene function in cells and in vivo mouse models of human disease. This includes developing synthetic and systematic approaches to identify the fundamental genetic wiring that underlies polygenic disease related to cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity and the host of complex human diseases of unknown mechanisms and etiologies.


Illuminating the Dark Genome

Headshot of Michael McManus

Dr. Michael McManus

Professor, Diabetes Center, School of Medicine

University of California, San Francisco