A canvas with many different bright colors of paint

IGI at Cal Day 2019

Event Details

April 13, 2019 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

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2097 Valley Life Sciences Building

Want to see all of the fascinating ways that scientists are using CRISPR technology in their research? Stop by the IGI’s Cal Day 2019 event, “Rewriting the Language of Life: CRISPR DNA Editing at Cal,” this Saturday in 2097 VLSB from 11 am to 1 pm.

Meet scientists from the IGI who use CRISPR genome editing technology to cure genetic disease and ensure worldwide food security. Visit our activity room to build your own candy DNA, view 3D-printed models, explore CRISPR proteins in augmented reality, see real-life examples of edited organisms, and strap on a virtual reality headset to dive into a simulated human body to cure sickle cell disease! Visitors will also get to share their hopes and fears for genome editing. Ideal for ages 14 and up.

For a snapshot of what to expect, scroll through last year’s photos and read about the event: Cal Day 2018 Gets a Bit CRISPR