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CRISPR Tech Symposium: Responsible Discourse About Science & Bioethics

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Davis, CA

The IGI co-presented the 3rd Annual UC Davis Stem Cell Research Policy and Ethics Symposium on CRISPR Technology: Responsible Discourse about Science & Bioethics on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at UC Davis (Memorial Union, One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616).  The presenters’ slide presentations and a  video webcast of the symposium are now available online.



CRISPR genetic modification technology can generate far-reaching and unforeseen consequences. By initiating interactive conversations among a broad range of audiences – including members of the public, representatives of regulatory bodies, biomedical researchers, clinicians, patients, humanities scholars, and many others – this symposium explored CRISPR through various lenses in order to better appreciate its diverse bioethical dimensions and implications.  Dialogue among speakers and audience members was actively encouraged throughout the day.

Speakers included Alta Charo (University of Wisconsin), Jacob CornŸ (Innovative Genomics Initiative), Hank Greely (Stanford University), Ben HurlbutŸ (Arizona State University), Eben Kirksey (University of New South Wales), Paul Knoepfler (ŸUC Davis), Meaghan O’Keefe (ŸUC Davis), Sarah PerraultŸ (UC Davis), Ken Taymor (UC Berkeley), Patricia Williams (Columbia University) and Michael J. Zerbe (York College of Pennsylvania).

This event was presented by the UC Davis Bioethics Program. The event was sponsored by the UC Davis Bioethics Program, the UC Davis Health System, the UC Davis Center for Science and Innovation Studies and the UC North Bioethics Collaboratory for the Life and Health Sciences. The event was co-presented by the University of California, San Francisco; the UCSC Center for Science and Justice; the Center to Advance Science in Policy & Regulation (CASPR) at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health; the UC Berkeley Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society (CSTMS); the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF); and the Innovative Genomics Initiative (IGI).


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