Genome Editing Policy and Regulation

Genome Editing Policy and Regulation

The IGI Public Impact team strives to advance evidence-based public policy that promotes equitable and affordable access to revolutionary CRISPR-based innovations.

We work diligently to:

  • Convene regulatory experts and propose innovative policy solutions
  • Build capacity in low- and middle-income countries to ensure communities worldwide can reap the benefits of genome editing technologies
  • Provide decision-makers with scientific evidence and multidisciplinary research.

Our science policy and regulatory focus spans all research areas of the IGI, from health to agriculture to emerging technologies.

Working with Regulators

Genome Editing Capacity Building for International Regulators

At the IGI, we aim to empower regulators from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with technical knowledge on CRISPR genome editing. 

July 2022 regulatory workshop hosted at the International Rice Research Institute in collaboration with Philippines Department of Agriculture. Learn more >

January 2024 International Agricultural Regulatory workshop at the IGI. Learn more >

Convening Regulators to Discuss Emerging Technologies

We inform regulators about advances in cutting edge CRISPR technologies to help them prepare for emerging regulatory considerations. 

  1. Genetically engineered microorganismsTogether with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Phytobiomes Alliance, we organized a virtual workshop on genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs). Public and private-sector developers shared their research projects with attendees and regulatory officials discussed regulations of GEMs-based products.
    Learn more here and find the recordings from the workshop and summary findings here.
  2. Genomic therapiesThe IGI partnered with the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Research Collaborative and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to discuss real-world evidence for genomic therapies. Learn more >
    Download the Genomic Therapies Work Group’s final report here
    Download the Coordinated Registry Network Work Group’s here 

Select Publications

Opportunities and challenges for innovative and equitable healthcare

Ecker DJ, Aiello CD, Arron JR, Bennett CF, Bernard A, Breakefield XO, Broderick TJ, Callier SL, Canton B, Chen JS, Fishburn CS, Garrett B, Hecht SM, Janowitz T, Kliegman M, Krainer A, Louis CU, Lowe C, Sehgal A, Tozan Y, Tracey KJ, Urnov F, Wattendorf D, Williams TW, Zhao X, and Hayden MR. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Exploring the value of a global gene drive project registry

Taitingfong RI, Triplett C, Vásquez VN … Marshall JM, Montague M, Morrison AC, Opesen CC, Phelan R, Piaggio A, Quemada H, Rudenko L, Sawadogo N, Smith R, Tuten H, Ullah A, Vorsino A, Windbichler N, Akbari OS, Long K, Lavery JV, Evans SW, Tountas K, Bloss CS. Nature Biotechnology

Contact Us

Please feel free to reach out to the IGI Public Impact team with any inquiries about genome editing policy and regulations.

Health and innovation policy: Manar Zaghlula,

Agriculture and climate policy: Elizabeth Njuguna,