A full auditorium in Stanley Hall for CRISPRcon

Diverse Opinions on Stage at CRISPRcon

IGI News

Participants flew in from around the globe to ascend on UC Berkeley’s campus for CRISPRcon. This two-day event ran from August 16–17, 2017 and attracted farmers, scientists, policy makers, ethicists, industry employees, and many others. CRISPRcon provided everyone with a platform to discuss the future of genome engineering in panels, breakout groups, and casual conversations. Panel topics ranged from agriculture to precision medicine and conservation to public perception. A vast assortment of opinions and beliefs about genome engineering were represented amongst the ~350 participants, leading to passionate and honest dialogue.

Check out a blog post from IGI Science Communications Specialist Kevin Doxzen, who offers his reflections on a key theme that emerged during this eclectic event: The stories of CRISPRcon


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All photos were taken and edited by Peg Skorpinksi.


For some nice external coverage of CRISPRcon, check out the articles below:

At CRISPRcon, Debating the Promise and Perils of Gene Editing
GEN News | Kevin Davies| August 17, 2017

CRISPR Fans Dream of a Populist Future for Gene Editing
Wired | Megan Molteni | August 18, 2017

CRISPRcon guest post: Hope for a brighter future
The Niche | Anna Everette | August 19, 2017