Plant Pathology Symposium: Developing Sustainable Disease Resistance for Neglected Crops
The Innovative Genomics Institute and the Open Philanthropy Project are pleased to announce a day of open lectures focusing on new research in crop disease tolerance and resistance. A panel of distinguished scholars will present recent advances in plant pathology, our improved understanding of the molecular basis of plant-pathogen interactions, new capabilities for genome editing and other technologies, and new opportunities to translate basic research using transgenic and non-transgenic approaches.
Plant Pathology Symposium: Genomics Strategies for Developing Sustainable Disease Resistance for Neglected Crops in the Developing World
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Time: 8:15 am – 5:00 pm
Location: 115 Energy Biosciences Building, 2151 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA
Sessions are open to the the academic community and drop-ins are welcome throughout the day.
AGENDA (Download 61 KB PDF)
8:15 AM
Introductory Statements
Brian Staskawicz (IGI/UC Berkeley) and Chris Somerville (Open Philanthropy Project)
8:30 AM
Advancing Genetic Solutions for Crop Diseases
Diana Horvath (2Blades Foundation)
9:05 AM
Bringing Orphan Crops into the Genetic Family, for the Mutual Benefit of Developed and Developing Countries Alike
Jagger Harvey (Kansas State University)
9:40 AM
The Genetic Control of Wheat Rust Meets and Greets Molecular Biology
Jeff Ellis (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
10:15 AM
Coffee Break
10:35 AM
Blast Diseases of Rice and Wheat: Ancient and Emerging Diseases that Threaten Global Food Security
Barbara Valent (Kansas State University)
11:10 AM
Understanding and Exploiting Plant Resistance to Disease
Jonathan Jones (Sainsbury Laboratory)
11:45 AM
Biotech Potatoes with Disease Resistance for Small-holders in the Developing World
Marc Ghislain (Centro International de la Papa)
12:20 PM
1:30 PM
Integrated Approach to Cassava Improvement
James Carrington (Donald Danforth Plant Science Center)
2:05 PM
SEGS – A New Challenge in Combating Cassava Mosaic Disease in Africa
Linda Hanley-Bowdoin (NC State)
2:40 PM
Toward Agricultural Innovation from Wild Systems: Harnessing Biogeographical Patterns in Chickpea’s Ancestral Microbial Communities
Douglas Cook (UC Davis)
3:15 PM
Coffee Break
3:35 PM
Role of Genetic Engineering for Crop Improvement: Case Study from Banana
Leena Tripathi (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture)
4:10 PM
Genome Editing Strategies for Developing Durable Disease Resistance
Brian Staskawicz (UC Berkeley)
4:45 PM
Meeting Discussion
5:00 PM
Diane Ferris (dmferris@berkeley.edu)
Brian Staskawicz (stask@berkeley.edu)
We strive to make our events accessible and inclusive. The Innovative Genomics Institute Building is ADA compliant, and has a lactation room that visitors can use. For disability accommodation information and/or access to the lactation room, please contact the event organizer or email igi-info@berkeley.edu.