Helen Bateup completed her postdocotoral training in Dr. Bernardo Sabatini’s Laboratory at Harvard Medical School where she studied how the mTOR signaling pathway regulates synaptic function in the hippocampus. She completed her Ph.D. with Dr. Paul Greengard at Rockefeller University where she elucidated dopamine signaling dynamics in striatal neurons.
The goal of the Bateup laboratory is to understand the molecular mechanisms by which neurons modulate synaptic, neuronal, and network excitability. In particular, we are interested in how mutations in genes associated with disorders such as epilepsy and autism lead to altered nerual development, synapse and circuit function. To investigate this, we are taking a multi-disciplinary approach incorporating molecular, biochemical, imaging, electrophysiological, and behavioral analyses in mouse models and human stem cell-derived brain organoids. Through this diversity of approaches we hope to understand how molecular and genetic events change cellular and network function to ultimately impact behavior.